Executive Board Members
Michael Millsteed
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jim Colless
[email protected]
Eric Hudson
Eric’s journey with Body Electric has been life changing.
He is passionate about the possibilities that Body Electric workshops open for men as they seek joy, pleasure, and fulfilment in their lives.
Eric likes to be known as River. He thinks of this as his soul or spirit name. This says so much about him and his life journey. Much like a river twists and turns on its path to the sea, he has experienced many challenges and changes.
Opening to the truth about himself as a gay man later in his life, Body Electric has been a significant part of his process, supporting him to explore freedom and to move to greater acceptance of himself and his erotic body. With a. professional life as a relationship counsellor, he brings sensitivity and wisdom to his role as a Body Electric facilitator.
He knows of no other place as powerful and effective where men can safely explore their full potential.
Peter Hoare
Peter is a Counsellor, Facilitator, Energy Intuitive, Meditation Teacher and Hawaiian Lomilomi Practitioner.
Peter has been facilitating Body Electric workshops since 2011. Peter is very passionate about Body Electric often sharing that it is a framework that inspired him to feel safe, valued and more connected within himself, within his family and relationships. Body Electric taught Peter that erotic play can be a spiritual experience, and spiritual experiences can be loads of fun. Peter’s intention with facilitating workshops is for men to feel safe and honoured for who they are.