Health & Wellbeing
The health and safety of participants is of primary concern to us. To that end we have implemented measures as to what we expect of men attending our in person workshops.
Those measures have varied depending on circumstances regarding the pandemic at the time of each workshop. Because of the changing nature of the virus it is impossible to put down hard and fast rules to apply indefinitely.
As a general rule we follow the mandates set down by the State government, relevant to the workshop. If you have questions regarding a particular workshop, we request that you ask the coordinator of the workshop, what the position is at that time.
The health and safety of participants is of primary concern to us. Covid 19 has affected all of us in many and changing ways. At the onset of the pandemic Body Electric took the decision to halt all in person workshops, in accordance with mandates established by the Australian, State and Territory governments.
With the introduction of antiviral vaccines the committee determined all participants in future in person workshops would need to show that they were fully vaccinated and produce a current negative rapid antigen test to gain admission. That was in line with general government and community requirements.
The need for proof of vaccination has greatly reduced in the community since that decision and we have again, in line with government recommendations, removed it from our requirements.
Currently Body Electric requests that participants complete a rapid antigen test at home before their departure and show a negative response. During workshops we provide ample sanitiser and exercise high levels of hygiene.
The pandemic has shown us that nothing is permanent and that circumstances can change quickly. We are aware that another variant of the virus could appear at any time. We will remain vigilant to that possibility and are prepared to change our Covid requirements depending on the circumstances at the time.
We are aware that it is not only Covid that we must take into account to protect the health of participants.
We request that if a participant discovers that he has an outbreak of a contagious skin disorder (e.g. herpes, crabs, scabies, or genital warts) that is communicable through touch to reschedule to another workshop date.
If you have any questions or want confirmation of the current requirements send us an email to [email protected].