Frequently Asked Questions

The workshop is designed so that you are able to safely explore all aspects of your being. Different exercises are used including one-on-one and small group sharing, learning how to breathe consciously, moving and stretching our bodies, and giving and receiving safe, consensual touch. The outcomes are different for everyone. It is difficult to predict what might happen for each person. Sometimes people are able to let go of something that has been holding them back, or they are able to take hold of something new.

This depends on the intentions that you set for yourself. There will be a chance to clarify what you may want to change in your life. 

Sometimes gaining another perspective or having a different experience can create the opportunity for a new direction. Sometimes meeting other people can open a new doorway.

Yes, however participants are paired randomly for all exercises. At times you may be paired with your partner. We offer a CBE for Couples workshop from time to time where they work together exclusively.

You must be 18 years or over but you are never too old to attend a Body Electric workshop. Adults of all ages attend and benefit from the work. One of the great gifts of the workshop is the connection with a wide range of ages where everyone feels included, valued and appreciated.
Workshops are diverse, all are welcome. All orientations and identities attend.
Impotence is not an issue. Our work focuses on the whole body and helps men discover how to let go of expectations. Once the energy gets flowing you find yourself letting go of unhelpful preconceived notions.
Exercises in the workshops are designed to experience the many different ways we connect. We learn to recognise when authentic connection happens.
Many people report a range of different experiences, from feeling connected to themselves to having moments of new insight and emotion. Others find a peacefulness, or might use words like “mystery” to describe what happened for them.

If you have other questions please contact the local coordinator or go to the contact page and send us an email.

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